Quotations for Healing

Quotations for Healing

We offer you the quotations below as gentle paths to Inner Calm. Though many may not apply to you, and some may puzzle you, if you find just one that sends a wave of peace through your being, then we are grateful.



healing is letting go of fear
Health is inner peace

Jampolsky, Gerold G. M.D. (1983) Teach Only Love. NY Bantom Books, p 32


attitude can heal:
peacefully we return to peace
gently we lean into gentleness

Jampolsky, Gerold G. M.D. (1983) Teach Only Love. NY Bantom Books, p 8


Victory must be won in the silence of your own being first, then you need take no part in the outer demonstration of relief from conditions.

Cady, Emile,(no date,p 41) Lessons in Truth . Unity Village,Missouri: Unity Books.


The Cure:
"I did it by taking a little bit of apple cider and honey each morning"
When asked it that was all there was to it, she replied:
"It helps if you hum a bit"

Levine, Stephen (1987) Healing into Life and Death New York: Anchor Books., p 35


Healing = just love yourself

Levine, Stephen (1987) Healing into Life and Death New York: Anchor Books., p 33


"A healing moment is one in which the mind is not clinging to its passing show, not lost in the personal melodrama of its content, but tuned to a constant unfolding of the process in a moment of being fully alive, a moment of healing"...healing accumulates from moment to moment when discomfort is met mindfully, openheartedly, in the present, where all that we seek is to be found.

Levine, Stephen (1987) Healing into Life and Death New York: Anchor Books., p 32


Feeling is the fountain head of power. When you delight and rejoice in you mental image, you will automatically generate the appropriate feeling...

Murphy, Joseph (1976) Great Bible Truths for Human Problems. Marina delRay. DeVores & Co., p 89


At the very root of healing is a sense of the universal within the separate, the personal

Levine, Stephen (1987) Healing into Life and Death New York: Anchor Books., p 14


When we are no longer recreating the problem, we reaffirm the solution

Levine, Stephen (1987) Healing into Life and Death New York: Anchor Books., p 11


...if we want anything from somebody, even for them to be out of pain, they will be an object in our mind, rather than the subject of our heart.

Levine, Stephen (1987) Healing into Life and Death New York: Anchor Books.


Healing: -a balancing of energies to bring about peace where before there had been war -the integration of the body and mind into the heart

Levine, Stephen (1987) Healing into Life and Death New York: Anchor Books., p 3


"...our bodies do not 'have' health or disease, they are these very qualities, which are more precisely described as unending, unbroken processes connected nonlocally and noncausally in both space and time."

Dossey, Larry M.D. (1982, p 111) Space, Time and Medicine. New Science Library, Shambhala, Boston, MA.


when a sense of oneness is achieved, physiological changes follow.

Dossey, Larry. (1984, p 138) Beyond Illness: Discovering the Experience of Health. Shambhala, New Science Library, Boston, MA


"Pure body health is an illusion. It does not exist. All attempts to improve the body extend to the mind and consciousness"
health = not a matter of doing, but a matter of being. not "What shall I do to be healthy" but "How shall I be to realize healthiness"

Dossey, Larry. (1984, p 71) Beyond Illness: Discovering the Experience of Health. Shambhala, New Science Library, Boston, MA


The excessive drive toward being healthy, born of a fear of becoming ill, can doom one to illness" health is not an external entity which can be acquired "Health is a realization, not an acquisition"

Dossey, Larry. (1984, p 53) Beyond Illness: Discovering the Experience of Health. Shambhala, New Science Library, Boston, MA


Health-as experience = nondual relationships with the world in which health was felt not as an object, but something in the core of our being.

Dossey, Larry. (1984, p 34) Beyond Illness: Discovering the Experience of Health. Shambhala, New Science Library, Boston, MA


every emotion can manifest itself as an image; ask yourself what your emotions look like.

Epstein ( p 21) Epstein, Gerald. Creating Health Through Imagery


If you accept the feelings with love, you allow self-healing to occur"

Ruskan, John (1993) Emotional Clearing. R. Wyler & Co. N.Y., p 68


"Separateness is an illusion, When you heal yourself, you heal the world"

Ruskan, John (1993) Emotional Clearing. R. Wyler & Co. N.Y., p 5


Face yourself squarely, and ask yourself, "Am I 49% in favor of getting well, but 51% in favor of being sick?" That difference of 2% may be the difference between chronic illness and your instantaneous healing. YOU MUST WANT TO GET WELL MORE THAN YOU WANT TO REMAIN ILL!

Smith, Harry Douglas (1965) The Secret of Instantaneous Healing New York: Parker Publishing Company, Inc., p 57


Four Keys in preparing for healing and health:
1. Be prepared for what you want by thinking of it as inevitable.
2. Be prepared now for what you want now.
3. Give your whole self to the idea of the healing you desire.
4. Ask yourself the question: "How much do I believe in the healing I want?" Limited believing also means limited receiving.

Smith, Harry Douglas (1965) The Secret of Instantaneous Healing New York: Parker Publishing Company, Inc., p 66-70


It makes no difference whether one is
Kneeling on a prayer rug in the Near East,
Dancing around a fire in the jungle,
Sitting in a cathedral in France,
Entreating an intercessor at the Shrine of Lourdes,
Burning lamps on the steps of Chichicastenango,
Painting with sand in the land of the Navaho,
Spinning a prayer-wheel in Tibet, or
Receiving the laying-on-of-hands anywhere-
At all times the Healing Power is within every person. It is always ready, and it is always the same. It demands no ritual, showmanship or fanfare to bring us the healing we seek.

Smith, Harry Douglas (1965) The Secret of Instantaneous Healing New York: Parker Publishing Company, Inc., p 37.


Although man is only about 2 percent physical and 98 percent mental and spiritual, the average person spends about 98 percent of his time thinking about the 2 percent of his physical nature.

Ponder, Catherine, (1985, p 19) The Dynamic Laws of Healing Marina del Rey, CA: DeVorss & Company.


If you will stop nourishing the thought of evil in your life, it will starve for lack of attention and fade away.

Ponder, Catherine, (1985. p 38) The Dynamic Laws of Healing Marina del Rey, CA: DeVorss & Company.


God's Healing love is flowing through me, permeating my whole being.
I AM relaxed and at ease, knowing that the Infinite Healing Presence brings this to pass in its own way and in Divine Order.
I let go and let God take over.

Murphy, Joseph (1976) Great Bible Truths for Human Problems. Marina delRay. DeVores & Co., p 13


If you will stop nourishing the thought of evil in your life, it will starve for lack of attention and fade away.

Ponder, Catherine, (1985, p 38) The Dynamic Laws of Healing Marina del Rey, CA: DeVorss & Company.


We must acknowledge our deficiency without judgment and remove our attention from the error, placing it instead in the direction of the positive quality that is its desired opposite..

Small, Jacquelyn, (1982) Transformers: The Therapists of the Future (1982). Marina del Rey, CA: DeVorss & Company, Publisher, p 100


...to heal the self is to transcend the self.

Vaughan, Frances, (1986) The Inward Arc: Healing and Wholeness in Psychotherapy and Spirituality . Boston: New Science Library, Shambhala, p 69


books = Healing from Within; Mind, Body, and Health, From Burnout to Balance negative thought patterns, developed while growing up = cause of current misery; change belief structure by re-education, positive imager, and psychotherapy; most difficult thing to learn = to stop blaming world and being victim and realize that if you are unhappy, its your choice; stress has to do with the interaction between a changing environment and you - its not stress but your own response to that stress that's causing a problem; 2 different types of destructive behavior patterns or habits:
1. over-control = Type A; being supercharged which can burn out circulatory system and gastric system; resulting in heart attack, hypertension, chronic headaches, ulcers, colitis
2. under-control = helpless/hopeless syndrome of cancer, aids, RA, allergies, immune system: (If you give up, your immune system will too)
optimal control = point in middle of 1 & 2 key to change = self-awareness and relaxation/meditation

Padus, Emrika and the editors of PREVENTION magazine, 1986.YOUR EMOTIONS AND YOUR HEALTH: New Dimensions in Mind/Body Healing, p 242-248


Dr. Bernie Siegel, Love, Medicine, and Miracles; medicine is failure-oriented, i.e. only deal with patients who do not get well, they don't expect to see patients who they told would die come back to the office, so they do not know when these patients live either! patient who healed of cancer said "I went home, decided to live to be 100 and leave my troubles to God"; surviving cancer has a much to do with our mental attitudes as it does the extent of the disease;

Padus, Emrika and the editors of PREVENTION magazine, 1986.YOUR EMOTIONS AND YOUR HEALTH: New Dimensions in Mind/Body Healing,


two mechanisms to open the lines of mind/body communications - to send "live" messages to the body:
1. through emotions: "if you want to die, stay depressed; if you want to live, then love and laugh"; Positive emotions like love, acceptance, and forgiveness stimulate the immune system.
2. through images: select symbols to represent your disease and your white blood cells; (i.e. food and a hungry bird or cat or Pac Man); then close your eyes and play out the action in your mind; repeat at least 6 times/day; look at what's right with the person rather than what's wrong
"I take the position that everything in the universe is trying to help us regain health and move in that direction"

O. Carl Simonton, (in Carlson & Shield, p49) Carlson,Richard & Shield,Benjamin (Editors) , Healers on Healing Los Angeles, Jeremy P.Tarcher,Inc.


Decide to be open and contact the inner guide
find what makes us feel better, then physical changes will follow
"Healing is simply attempting to do more of those things that bring joy and fewer of those things that bring pain"

O. Carl Simonton, (in Carlson & Shield, p50) Carlson,Richard & Shield,Benjamin (Editors) , Healers on Healing Los Angeles, Jeremy P.Tarcher,Inc.


"To our outer consciousness, it is what is done - whether taking a medication, prayer, healer's touch, exercise,, or diet - that seems to be the cause of the healing response, not the consciousness in which the action was taken" (39) element of grace = surrendering to life on its own terms "True healing...is never fully on our terms"
...because the very process of trying to change things on our terms blinds us to listening more directly to life. We are compelled to fix rather than to come unto the Kingdom through the agency of Life"

Richard Moss (in Carlson & Shield, p37-40) Carlson,Richard & Shield,Benjamin (Editors) , Healers on Healing Los Angeles, Jeremy P.Tarcher,Inc.


"The moment we start identifying with the body, we become dominated by it. Then the ego gets involved and we start wanting to overcome or "conquer" the problem rather than to see and understand clearly what is actually in disharmony."
the body needs to adapt to the mind (not the mind to the body)
attitudes important, i.e. immune system = defense system => already in battle vs. transcending & looking at promoting high energy fields so immune system can take care of itself
any healing technique = form in which the healer's love can be transferred
"We need to begin developing more faith in the process of transfer than in the particular technique used to bring it about"

Jack Schwarz (in Carlson & Shield, p19-21) Carlson,Richard & Shield,Benjamin (Editors) , Healers on Healing Los Angeles, Jeremy P.Tarcher,Inc.


"If our highest duty is to follow wholeness, peace, and kindness of our being, to treat others fairly, and to help where we can help, then the condition of the body is only meaningful as it makes concentration on love easier or more difficult. Healing is therefore accomplished through love and is love. And love is the uniting principle in all healing approaches - insofar as they truly heal. Healing's opposite is judgment, and any system (or practitioner) of healing loses in effectiveness when it becomes judgmental." "The true healer merely gives the gift of healing but does not watch over the patient to say in what form it is to be received"

Hugh Prather (in Carlson & Shield, p13-15) Carlson,Richard & Shield,Benjamin (Editors) , Healers on Healing Los Angeles, Jeremy P.Tarcher,Inc.


For healing:
-visualize yourself (or someone else) directly in front of you, as if you were looking in a full length mirror
- analyze the problem for 2 minutes
- move the picture to the left; imaging yourself getting better, see all areas being healed for 12 minutes
- move picture further to the left and see self totally healed for 2 minutes. Hold picture of being normal and healthy

Silva,Jose & Stone R.B. .You the Healer H.J. Kramer, Inc., Tiburon, CA


Freedom from disease - "...have faith in the perfect spirit that made the body manifest...let go of personal responsibility... invoke power of subconscious for physical vigor"

Silva,J. & Miele, P. (1977) The Silva Mind Control Method. N.Y. Simon & Schuster, Inc., p 195


Command: Body, please do 40 seconds of exercise to assimilate any unassimilated kundalini...40 seconds to heal...40 seconds to make me more alert

Paulson, Genevieve (1990) Kundalini Workshop at The Relaxation Station, Martinez, GA (Dimensions of Evolvement, S.K. 3, Box 47, Milbourne, Arkansas 72556


Whatever you think will heal you, will heal you

Paulson, Genevieve (1990) Kundalini Workshop at The Relaxation Station, Martinez, GA (Dimensions of Evolvement, S.K. 3, Box 47, Milbourne, Arkansas 72556


7 principles of attitudinal healing
1. health is inner peace - single goal is peace of mind
2. the essence of our being is love - love cannot be hindered by anything physical
3. giving is receiving
4. all minds are joined - all healing is self-healing
5. now is the only time there is
6. decisions are made by learning to listen to the preference for peace within us
7. forgiveness is the way to true health and happiness - release the past and let go fears for the future

Jampolsky, Gerold G. M.D. (1983) Teach Only Love. NY Bantom Books, p 34